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Fair-touting of China CNC Machine Tool fair 2018 (CCMT2018)

in full swing

China CNC Machine Tool Fair 2018 co-organized by China Machine Tool & Tool Builders’ Association (CMBTA) and Shanghai international Expo Co.Ltd.(SIEC) will be held from Apr. 9 to Apr. 13, 2018 at SNIEC, Pudong New Dist. Shanghai. The estimated exhibition area will be 120,000 square meters.

The fair-touting has comprehensively initiated at present. Welcome any enterprises intending to participate in the event to conduct on-line registration by login to the official website of www.ccmtshow.com.

Please refer to the fair-official website, CMTBA website, CMTBA Wechat-Subscription, newspaper “China machine Tool & Tool ” and magazine “World Manufacturing Engineering & Market” for any further progress of organizing work regarding the fair.

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