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 Traffic Guide


▲Public Transportation (Shanghai New International Expo Center/abbreviated as Expo Center)

1. Subway

1)Subway Line7→Expo Center: Get off at Huamu Road Station of Subway Line7, walk 100 meters to Expo Center

2) Other Subway Lines→Expo CenterGet off at Longyang Road Station of Subway Line2, Line16 Line18 or othersand then walk 1100 meters to Expo Center, or transfer Subway Line7 to arrive at Huamu Road Station, walk 100 meters to Expo Center.

2. Bus

Please search through mobile map navigation software: Shanghai New International Expo Center (Entrance Hall 1/2/3), select the best route in real time.

3. Airport→Expo Center

1) Pudong International Airport→Expo Centertake Subway Line2 (East Xujing direction or Songhong Road direction), get off at Longyang Road Station, or get off at Longyang Road Station by Magnetic levitation train (Longyang Road Station direction) , and then walk 1100 meters to Expo Center, or then transfer Subway Line7 to Huamu Road Station, walk 100 meters to Expo Center.

2) Hongqiao Airport→Expo Center: take Subway Line2 (Pudong International airport direction or Guanglan Road direction) to get off at Longyang Road Station, and then walk 1100 meters to Expo Center, or transfer Subway Line7 to arrive at Huamu Road Station, walk 100 meters to Expo Center.

4. Railway Station→Expo Center

1) Shanghai Railway Station→Expo Center: take Subway Line1 (Xinzhuang direction), get off at Renmin Square Station, transfer Subway Line2 (Pudong International airport direction or Guanglan Road direction), get off at Longyang Road Station, and then walk 1100 meters to Expo Center, or transfer Subway Line7 to arrive at Huamu Road Station, walk 100 meters to Expo Center.

2) Shanghai South Railway Station→Expo Center: take Subway Line1 (Fujin Road direction), get off at Shanghai Indoor Stadium Station, and transfer the outer circle of Lin4,get off at Dong'an Road Station ,then transfer Subway Line7 to arrive at Huamu Road Station, walk 100 meters to Expo Center.

3) Hongqiao railway station→Expo Center: take Subway Line2 (Pudong International airport direction or Guanglan Road direction), get off at Longyang Road Station, and then walk 1100 meters to Expo Center, or transfer Subway Line7 to arrive at Huamu Road Station, walk 100 meters to Expo Center.

▲Taxi/Online car hailing→Expo Center

Visitors can get on and off by taxi and online car hailing at the entrance No.3 square of the exhibition hall.


▲Driving→Expo Center

     Please search through mobile map navigation software: Shanghai New International Expo Center P1 stereo parking lot, select the best route in real time.



1. Road regulations in Shanghai: The license plates of cars for other places are prohibited from entering the inner ring area from 7:00 to 9:00 a.m. and 17:00 to 19:00 p.m. on weekdays, from 7:00 to 20:00 on weekdays, it is prohibited to enter elevated and tunnel roads, please follow the requirements of the local traffic management department.

2. The above introduction to the public transportation and driving routes is just for reference, please check online or call Shanghai citizen service hotline: 12345 for any new circumstance before setting out.



Parking lot of the venue

Car parking lot RMB 8 Yuan/hour RMB 64 Yuan/day

1.P1 is a 3D parking lot, capacity is 2400 cars

2.P2 is a 3D parking lot, capacity is 700 cars

3.P4 capacity is 140 cars

4.P5 capacity is 460 cars

5.P6 capacity is 60 cars

 Large vehicles with a "parking permit" can park at P3 and P7 parking lots according to the route guidance, at a cost of 100 yuan per day.

Traffic Map of the China CNC Machine Tool Fair 2024




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