China CNC Machine Tool Fair 2018 (CCMT2018) Regulations and Attentions Dear exhibitor, We sincerely thank you for takingpart in China CNC Machine Tool Fair 2018 (CCMT2018). For your safety and smoothexhibition, we remind you of the followings: 1. Schedule Exhibit Move-in: 08:30 ~18:00 April 4 - April 6 08:30 ~ 20:00 April7 - April 8 Show opening hours: 08:30 ~17:30 April 9 - April 12 Visitor entry time: 09:00 ~ 17:00 08:30 ~ 16:00 April13 Visitor entry time: 09:00 ~ 15:00 Exhibit Move-out: 16:00~ 24:00 April 13 08:30 ~ 18:00 April14 - April 16 2. Onsite Organizer Office The International CooperationDepartment office for overseas exhibitor is located in conference room M44 onthe first floor of N4 Pavilion. The office is open all day from move-in tomove-out, and the telephones are 86-21-20367686/86-21-20367687. The Exhibition Department office fordomestic exhibitor is located in conference room M8 on the first floor of W5 Pavilion.The office is open all day from move-in to move-out, and the telephone: 86-21-28906491. 3. News Center The news center is located in roomB1 on the first floor of N2 Pavilion. It is open to the media during theexhibition hours, and the telephone is 86-21-20367688. Exhibitors can put thecompany's introduction, sample and so on in the news center for journalists to readand report. 4. IPR Office The organizer will set up an IPROffice in conference room M8 on the first floor of W5 pavilion. The officeaccepts consultation, complaints, investigation, and evidence collection pertinentto intellectual property rights. The telephone number is 86-21-28906492. 5. Exhibitor Badge All exhibitors are requested tocollect badges at the exhibitor counter on entrance hall No. 2 of Shanghai NewInternational Expo Center on April 4 – 8. Please show the badge in and out ofthe Expo Center during the move-in and move-out. Please swipe your badge at theentrance guard system in and out of the Center during the exhibition hours. Pleasenote it is very important that you must swipe your badge when you leave the Center,or you will not be able to enter the Center again on the same day. It isstrictly forbidden to transfer or sell the exhibitor badge. 6. Exhibition Service The official booth constructioncontractor will set up service desks at the gates to the inner square in everypavilion of Shanghai New International Expo Center. The official freightforwarder will set up service desks in containers in the unloading zones ofevery pavilion. The service includes transportation, construction, water,electricity and compressed air supply, and appliance rental for exhibitors frommove-in to move-out. 7.Overtime Working Exhibitors in need of overtime workingmust submit application to Expo Center before 15:00 the same day at thecustomer service center in entrance hall No.2. Please refer to the exhibitor'smanual for details. 8. Water, Electricity and CompressedAir Supply Water, electricity and compressedair supply will start on April 7. If you need early electricity supply, please submitapplication to the official booth construction contractor in the center. Pleasecut off the power after the opening hours every day. The organizer and the expocenter will shut down general supply every day. All the consequences resultedfrom the failure of cutting off power supply by the exhibitor will be borne bythe exhibitor and its construction contractor. The exhibitor whose power wascut off by the general shut down is required to submit a written application tothe expo center on the next morning. The power will be resumed by the centerafter the security check is passed. 9. Cleaning Service The cleaning service will beprovided free of charge during the exhibition. Please put your waste on thepassageway before the closing time. Please do not put any useful items on thepassageway in order to avoid being cleaned up as waste. Exhibitors areresponsible for the booth cleaning. Please keep your booth clean. 10. Special Articles, such asLubricants, Gas, etc. According to Shanghai’s regulationson fire prevention and control, exhibitors in need of lubricants, gases andother special articles for demonstration of exhibits during the exhibition, pleasedeclare the articles at the counters of the official booth constructioncontractor and official freight forwarder in entrance hall No.2. The articles willonly be allowed to enter the expo center after proper declaration. 11. Booth Construction The maximum construction height is6 meters for one-story stand and 8.5 meters for two-story stands. Please checkthe Booth Construction Guide of Exhibitor’s Manual. The organizers and therelevant government departments have the right to require the exhibitors todismantle or modify the disqualified structures. 12. Construction Safety During the move-in and move-out,all personnel must put on a safety helmet before entering the exhibition hall.The personnel working above the ground (2M and above) must wear a safety helmetand fasten a safety belt. Necessary safety measures should be in place toprevent any unexpected falling of items from high altitude. Only personnel withprofessional qualifications and certifications are qualified for theconstruction work involving electricity, water and compressed air. Smoking andall kinds of open fire are prohibited in all the pavilions. 13. Demonstration of Exhibits andDistribution of Samples Exhibitors must ensure that theirexhibits operate under strict control, safety conditions and safety measures,and have enough protective measures to prevent the mobile parts from damagingthe visitors. The organizers have the right to suspend any demonstrationcausing a blockage of a passageway or an obstruction to the entry and exit ofthe adjacent booth. The instructions, samples,souvenirs, etc. shall not be issued outside the booth. 14. Noise Control The sound of demonstration of exhibitsshould not exceed 70 decibels. The playing of music on the booth must notaffect the exhibitors and visitors nearby. Otherwise, the organizers will takemeasures such as power outage to stop the demonstration or the music. 15. Business Center, Medical Room,and ATM machine There is a business center in theentrance hall No. 1, 2 and 3. It provides service such as printing, copying,fax, express, and train and air ticket booking and so on. ATM machines can befound in entrance hall No.1 and 3. A medical room is located in entrance hallNo.3. 16. Wireless Network Free Wi-Fi are available in everyexhibition hall and entrance hall. Search for "Free Wifi-SNIEC", andfill in information according to the pop-up page. Due to the limited number of terminalequipment, please avoid peak hours 17. Special Attentions Please entrust the qualified freightcompanies to return your exhibits. Do not trust any small freight company at abnormallow price on fliers. Before you enter the expo center,in order to ensure your safety, please cooperate with the staff for safetyinspection. Please do not carry or transport any dangerous articles such asinflammable, explosive, controlled knives, liquid etc. as well as any articlesprohibited by China’s laws. Please pay attention to the safetyof your carry-ons. Please leave your passport and valuables in the hotel. Ifthere is any loss, please report to the public security office on the firstfloor of pavilion W4 ASAP. The telephone is 86-21-28906110. China Machine Tool & Tool Builders’ Association April 3, 2018 |