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Theme for CCMT2020

following the same theme as “Focus on--DigitalizaztionInterconnectionIntelligent Manufacturng”



The arrival of the 5G era has promoted the information and communication technology to a new altitude, and has been also continuously pushing the fourth industrial revolution to develop, and has come forth the further development of digital economy. CCMT2018 decides the theme of exhibition as “Focus on--DigitalizatonInterconnectionIntelligent Manufacturing”, highly summarizes the time characteristics and development trends of global machine tool manufacturing industry in the future, even to this day, digit, interconnection and intelligent manufacture are still the spotlight of global machine tool manufacturing industry, the CCMT2020 (the China CNC Machine Tool Fair 2020) hold on April 7th to 11th 2020 will still follow this theme of exhibition. The progress of the times and the development of technology have constantly given new connotation and new altitude to this theme.


Focus on digitalization—the foundation of intelligent manufacturing

Digitalization is the foundation of the industry in the future, the fundamentals of interconnection manufacturing. Facing the arrival of the digital manufacturing era, global machine tool industry has followed the trend of the times and launched a series of new technologies and products. Those new technologies and products have the characteristics of distinctive digital production equipment, complete and advanced network solution, strong communication function, flexible and compatible openness and rich software applications, realized the transformation of CNC system from “machine controller” to “digital manufacturing controller”, CNC machine tools has changed from “manufacturing machine” to “digital unit”.


Under this background, world famous CNC system providers is taking advantage of the unique advantages and experience of long-term working in CNC technology, driving the whole industry to set off a new round of technological storm, and continue to enrich new product supply in the field of numerical control software. Digital intelligent manufacturing technology, specialized products and customized services, automation and unmanned technology emerge in endlessly, and launching digital factory intelligence solutions, assisting customers to promote the construction and development of digital factories from both soft and hard aspects. In the fields of high-end CNC systems, factory digitization and customized processing solutions for users, China machine tools companies have made many efforts and attempts, and made progress in several areas.



Focus on interconnection (networked) —the intelligent manufacturing approaches


One of the important prerequisites for intelligent manufacturing is the interconnection of equipments. Interconnection technology of CNC machine tool has been paid close attention very early in the world, since 2006, Association for Manufacturing Technology in USA (AMT) put forward MT-Connect protocol for interconnection technology of CNC machine tool equipments. At present, interconnection technology has made certain breakthroughs, artificial intelligence, block chain, industrial internet of things and platform models etc. are changing the rules of the game in manufacturing. The German Machine Tool Manufactures Association (VDW) has established a general interface “umati” for machine tool equipments, it could seamless connect machine tool and devices to user side IT ecosystem easily and safely.


China Machine Tool & Tool Builders’ Association (CMTBA) has been paying high attention to the research and application of CNC machine tool interconnection communication protocol standard. In May 2016, the association led the establishment of the CNC Machine Tool Interconnection Communication Protocol Standard (NC-Link) Alliance, the purpose is to formulate international advanced CNC machine tool interconnection communication protocol standard around the needs of intelligence manufacturing. After three years effort, more than 20 standard content revisions and more than 10 technical architecture adjustments, in 2019, NC-Link has initially formed and verified in many intelligent factories. In the exhibition of CIMT2019 and EMO2019, NC-Link participated in the exhibition in the form of an independent exhibition area and booth.


5G will bring the explosive growth of internet of things, this provides new power for the in-depth development of intelligence manufacturing. Industrial internet as a product of deep integration of new generation information communication technology and modern industrial technology has become an important carrier for digitalization, networking and intelligence in manufacturing, and the industrial full-featured link hub, and the core of industrial resource allocation. It is suitable time for constructing industrial internet platform in 5G era, China Machine Tool & Tool Builders’ Association bases on the promotion of NC-Link using, is carrying out the construction of industrial internet platform of machine tool industry actively, allowing industry platform to effectively integrate into the national industrial internet system, discovering and digging the synergy value of “machine tool + internet” to empower the machine tool industry.


Focus on intelligent manufacture—the direction of manufacturing


For the supporting and driving from digitalization and interconnection technology, the prospect of achieving intelligent manufacturing is becoming clear, that is, building digital assets based on providing high-performance products, achieving information interconnection, promoting the level of intelligence in manufacturing. Machine tool intelligence technology could makes the random variable factors including environment, manufacturing objects, manufacturing requirements, manufacturing processing, equipment, etc. to process through sensing and multi-information fusion technology, thus obtaining the height that traditional control technology has never achieved in terms of quality, efficiency, effectiveness, safety, etc..


Intelligence technology is the commanding height of modern automatic control technology, is the new important factor that constitutes the competitiveness of products, from the traditional manufacturing to the intelligent manufacturing transformation, it will continue to generate new development momentum and drive the advancement of the entire industry. Many domestic and foreign enterprises have taken advantage of the trend, and seized the opportunity proactively, the intelligent construction of the machine tool industry has been highly effective. CCMT2020 will show fully digital intelligent products and technologies at the forefront of the machine tool industry through complete product portfolio and interactive display case, and help visitors to understand how the intelligent solutions will help users achieve higher productivity, better product quality, and shorter time to market, more flexible production organization model and so on.


Mr. Mao Yufeng, the executive vice president of China Machine Tool & Tool Builders’ Association, said that the current machine tool field should be based on high-quality products, focusing on digitalization (reality and virtualization), automation, things link and interconnection, industrial big data and other key directions to carry out research, the ultimate goal is to achieve digital and intelligent manufacturing. Focusing on digitalization, interconnection and intelligent manufacturing is not only the latest trend reflected by the Chinese market demand, but also represents the development direction of the international machine tool industry. CCMT2020 makes this as theme that will help the exhibition to focus on market changes and industrial development, and provide with a rare opportunity for display and exchange.



Exhibition Basic Information:


Title:  China CNC Machine Tool Fair 2020 (CCMT2020)

Period of exhibition:  April 7th to 11th, 2020

Venue:  Shanghai New International Expo Center

Sponsor:  China Machine Tool & Tool Builders’ Association

Organizers:  China Machine Tool & Tool Builders’ Association

           Shanghai International Exhibition Co., Ltd.

Co-organizer: Worldwide Exhibitions Service Co., Ltd.

Theme: Focus on--DigitalizationInterconnectionIntelligent Manufacturing




Source: China Machine Tool & Tool Builders’ Association



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