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Profoundly analyze the opportunities of machinetool market change Accurately convey the development trend of machine toolindustry

CMTBA successfullyheld a press conference at



On themorning of October 7th Italian time, CMTBA held a press conference at EMOMILANO 2015. Chen Huiren, president & CEO of ChinaMachine Tool & Tool Builders’ Association, Wang Liming, vice president ofthe same association, He Cailong, general manager of CIECGroup and other guests attended the conference. Nearly 70 people including representativesof machine tool associations or agencies, media reporters, representatives ofend users around the world as well as members of CMTBA’s delegation attendedthe conference. Chen Huiren made the news release.




Chen Huiren introduced the Chinese economy, the Chinese machinetool consumption market and the China CNC Machine Tool Fair 2016 (CCMT2016) tothe guests. He pointed out that we must understand and judge the trend of China'seconomy in a comprehensive, rational and objective manner. China's economicdownward pressure is indeed larger, and also faces a lot of difficulties, but theeconomy still maintains at a reasonable operating range; the problem arisingfrom China's economy is the problem emerged in the process of reform andadjustment, so it is a problem in economic advancement and a temporary one.


On the basic characteristics of China's machine tool consumption market change, Chen Huiren pointed out: China machine tool market presents amarked feature of overall demand declined and its structure upgrading,relatively speaking, there is less impact on imported machine tools. At thesame time, the decline of demand on China's machine tool consumption market isperiodic; with the deepening of China's economic structure adjustment, it willeffectively release the long-term growth potential of China's machine tool consumptionmarket.


On CCMT2016, after an introduction to the history of the CCMT and the cheerful resultsof a new upgrade of CCMT2014, Chen Huiren emphasizedCCMT2016 will continue to promote the upgrading process of “internationalization,professionalism, informationalization”, and will bein many ways to a new upgrade: CCMT2016 will take up 10 exhibition halls of ShanghaiNew International Expo Center. Its exhibition area will reach 120,000 squaremeters, 20% larger than CCMT2014. The exhibition area for international exhibiterswill be more than 40% of the total area. Internationalization level will befurther improved; it will make more use of information technology to providemore convenient service for visitors, and etc..


It’s the first time for CMTBA to play a delicately planed and made publicity videoof CCMT2016 at the event, which comprehensively and profoundly interprets thetheme of CCMT “new environment, new pattern, new action” so that the guests couldhave a more clear understanding of CCMT.




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